level_02 | Tomaz Hipólito
2014 level_02 Performance by Tomaz Hipólito (created for Palácio Pombal - Saturday, May 10th 2014, 17h)
Tomaz Hipólito presents the project 2014 level_01_02_03 in three distinct exhibition spaces and moments in Lisbon, between late March and mid-June. In these three performative actions, unique and short-lived, the artist explores a common matrix that differs in its various formulations regarding: the design inscribed in space; matter, and the dematerialization; color, which acquires cumulative symbolic of an action to the next; the social mores of receipt of the work inherent in a museum, a cultural nonprofit association and a gallery, and governing the previous variables. Through the act of measuring and drawing traced in every situation Tomaz Hipólito suggests impressions as stiffness or flexibility organic, delimitation or involvement, and other qualities revealed by the context of its presentation. This trilogy is based on a site specific gestural and visual grammar of extreme simplicity and that in their complementarity, wins a razor-sharp efficiency.
Artist's Page for More Info
Born in Lisbon 1969. Lives and Works in Lisbon and New York. Studied architecture.
2014 level_03 Performance | Appleton Square Lisbon 2014 level_02 Performance | Carpe Diem Art & Research Lisbon 2014 level_01 Performance | Sala do Veado Lisbon 2013 draw_05 Installation | Project REDE | Architecture Triennial Lisbon 2013 merge_06 Video, Photo, Drawing and Performance | Rooster Gallery NY 2013 object_09 Photography and Installation | 102-100 Gallery Castelo Branco 2013 rebuild_01 Video, Photo, Drawings and Performance | Baginski Gallery Lisbon 2013 reset_00 Video, Photo and Performance | Cristina Guerra Gallery Lisbon 2012 chroma_06 Performance | Death Valley Desert California 2012 nature_01 "Moss Me" Walking on NY | Elastic City NY 2012 chroma_05 Performance | Central Park NY 2012 home_02 Performance and Photo | Art Institute NY 2012 chroma_04 Performance | Art fair ARCO-2012 Madrid 2011 draw_03 Video, Drawing and Photo | Appleton Square Lisbon 2011 draw_02 Video, Sound and Performance | Residency Unlimited NY 2011 reflex_01 Site-Specific Installation, Photo and Video | Abrons Arts Center NY 2011 rebuild_00 Video, Photo, Drawing and Performance | Emily Harvey Foundation NY 2011 layer_02 Video, Performance and Talk | Arte Institute at Union Square Park NY 2011 censura_01 Video, Performance and Book | Hunter College NY 2011 chroma_01_02 Video | Lumen Festival 2011 Staten Island NY 2011 layer_01 Performance | Lumen Festival 2011 Staten Island NY 2010 poem_01 Video Project | Emily Harvey Foundation NY.